Monday, April 5, 2010

homosexuals in the media/on TV

After discussing homosexuality in the media in class, I started thinking about it more and what trends I have noticed. I know Will & Grace was mentioned both in the text and in class, and I feel like that is one of the most known examples in recent history on television. Even people who didn’t watch the show knew that it had gay main characters. I had several male friends who refused to watch Will & Grace because of this. I personally think with the exception of some slightly risqué innuendos, Will & Grace is fairly tame. I also think within the last five to ten years, the media is starting to become “gay-friendly”. While some of the consumers of said media might not be as blasé as the news outlets, it seems as though homosexuality is becoming more broadly accepted in America. I know that when some celebrities have made the decision to make their homosexuality public, it’s almost treated as if it’s not a big deal.

I had never seen Modern Family, so watching the scenes of Cameron and Mitchell was interesting. I felt like there were some stereotypes that were used when characterizing them, but overall, it seemed like a more genuine look at a homosexual relationship. It was nice to see them bickering and pointing out annoyances they saw in each other because it made their life together seem authentic. They were also a really funny couple, which I think allows audience members who might not agree with the gay lifestyle to still enjoy the comedy found within the show.

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