Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Enough already

Let me begin by saying I do not agree with cheating on your spouse or living a double life full of lies. I agree that tiger woods is a role model and has an image to uphold in the community. With that being said Tiger does not owe any one an explanation of why he did the things he did except for his wife and family members. The fact that ESPN spends hours of coverage on breaking tiger news is ridiculous.This whole situation has been blown up by the media and keeping it on the front page. This happened in November and the man cannot even play in the masters with out questions about this incident. Obviously Tiger is dealing with it, but why is it important to the media to keep this on our minds. Kobe Bryant cheated on his wife and was even accused of raping a girl at one time. this went away within a year. Tiger did not even do anything illegal just morally wrong. Again I am not arguing that what tiger did was OK, but the media does not have the right to bug his life 24/7 now. In his post interview after he finished the first day of the masters, every questions was some how related to the incident. He didn't have knee surgery again or break his arm. His golf skills stayed the same. Shouldn't they be asking questions about his round? maybe specific shots? Instead every question surrounds his personal life. PERSONAL LIFE, maybe I read that wrong but personal means personal, not the media's business, espns business, or anyones business. Tiger is popular because he is such an amazing golfer. maybe they should go back to reporting on him playing golf. The whole Sandra bullock is a similar situation, except I bet that goes away in 3 or 4 months. Jesse James is recieivng bad publicity right now but that will pass and no one will be asking him if he can still make choppers since he cheated on his wife?. Why? is it because he is sooo big that he gets extra publicity or what? I just want ESPN to go back to reporting sports and sports news instead of 24/7 where in the world is tiger woods.

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