Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Walk a mile in her shoes men in heels

So the event went out as a success! Men walking even RUNNING in heels! This turn of gender roles while comical made me very happy to see for other reasons. To see the football players was the best I say... Grown, athletic, huge men running through an obstacle course in heels that obviously they never figured to see themselves in. One of the guys even BROKE a heel! How many of us women can say they've felt that pain before? I do wish more men did the heels, but I know that next year will be better, and years to come will keep it improving. Men felt the roles of the women and the ideology we hold against women. Assault is wrong, and hopefully these men and all the women that participated realized it. In my next post I'll get onto the topic of the ass-slapper, but for now let's leave that story out of this... Men rarely get this kind of opportunity to show their support for women and for their struggles with assault. I'm very glad today happened for this campus, it shows that not everyone here is a bunch of ass-wipes who don't understand what the difference is between assault and a joke.

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