Wednesday, April 14, 2010

The Takeover

Is there a problem with social networking? I don’t think so; there are plenty of benefits that come from these social networking websites. For instance I know there are friends that I haven’t talked to since middle school, but because of these websites I was able to find them and reconnect and catch up on the years we’ve missed. I know all people can relate to this experience because everyone has that friend that they’ve been thinking about and low and behold they have a Facebook too. So it serves well as a way to connect to old friends. Also when I look at MySpace and how people use it now as a place to share your music, many people wouldn’t be in the industry or getting their music heard if these sites weren’t here. For example look at Soulja Boy, he blew up just because everyone was listening to him on his MySpace page, and now he’s a Grammy nominated rapper. There’s no telling what else can come from these websites, we have so many options so why not explore them. Although there are some problems with the sites, I feel it all relies on how you use the website. Sometimes people just aren’t smart and thus certain things happen, but at the end of the day when using the networking sites make sure you’re using them responsible. With the way that the internet is taking over society there’s no telling what the next social networking websites are going to be like, but I just hope that society is ready for them when they do emerge.

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