Wednesday, April 14, 2010

The Magical World of Social Networking!

I am involved with the 3 major networking sites. Facebook, MySpace, and twitter. I am not that big into twitter, but I do like to get on there and see what the famous people are doing. It is a nice change from seeing them on magazines or their official websites. That stuff is just boring and usually bad news. I feel that twitter gives the fans or curious people a glimpse into the lives of the famous. It shows that they are regular people and like to do the same things as I do.

MySpace is kind of old news. It was cool when I as a freshmen in high school because we couldn’t get on Facebook. All of our friends were on it and it was another way to express ourselves. As I got older and Facebook started to allow high schoolers and everyone plus their mothers on MySpace lost popularity. I have seen friends delete their accounts because Facebook is cooler, but I keep mine because I have family from out of state as friends. I don’t get to talk to her so I keep it.

Facebook is a completely different story. I spend a lot of time on Facebook. I talk to friends from high school or from other classes. I must admit I did get into the Farmville craze. I agree with the other farmers it is pretty addictive. What drives me up the wall are all the dang groups. It is ridiculous. I don’t care if you like sleeping or if you like good morning texts from the person you were texting the night before. Why should I join a group to tell the world I love campfires and wearing hoodies during summer nights. These are the simple things in life that everyone should enjoy. It should just be a given that everyone loves sleeping. So how about instead of clicking the join button of some dumb group go out do whatever it is you are joining. You got one life to live get off of Facebook ridiculous groups and go live it!

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