Wednesday, April 14, 2010


How to Make a Movement

This is a TED talk that I find very interesting. I think it is a great eye opener to me and probably many others because it is so simple but over looked. Derek Sivers talks about how a leader is not so much the first person to start something but it is the first person to step up and join. The first joiner is never given credit. In the video it shows the first guy dancing but then like he said, the first person to join is what makes the nut no longer alone. It is always easier to do something that you may not ordinary do when others are doing it first. I know I don't like to be the only one doing something and I don't really even like being the second one. I am definitely a group joiner for the most part... But this makes me want to be the second leader because you have a lot more power than what is actually given to you... I don't know, it just seems really cool and so very on point. That is all.. :)

1 comment:


    There is the link... I inserted it as a link but it didn't show upppppppp
