Tuesday, April 13, 2010


The link is to a clip of the South Park episode about the ridiculous standards of facebook. Who really has time to be on social networks all the time to keep up with everyone? Well after today's discussion in class I've come to realize, this cyber reality, IS our reality. Notice from today's class how everyone had some story about facebook, funny or creepy, facebook, youtube, myspace... we might have mental breakdowns if the world just all of a sudden didn't have the internet. Makes me wonder, is my entire generation and those to follow, going to have the necessary skills as human beings to interact socially if these networks don't work all of a sudden. I'd like to stay positive though and hope it never fails.
In another thought to todays class, how is it that so many of us don't see the problem that the social networking can cause. We let so many of our children use these sites and then are surprised to see our child being victim to molestation from pedophiles. Seriously, think about why today's young are exponentially becoming obese when 20 years ago, that type of thing was not an issue for children. We fail to see some legitimate connections between things like children's obesity and the over use of computers and TVs. Maybe I'm just stretching it too far, but I seriously have a feeling the more these sites are used by younger and younger children, the more and more we will see an decrease in social skills.

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