Wednesday, April 14, 2010

More Facebook Trouble

In an earlier blog post, I stated reasons why I have chosen not to have a facebook.  My main reason is that I believe they do more harm than good.  While roaming, I came across a link to an article on that says “16-year-old boy accuses mother of Facebook slander” and immediately it caught my interest.  After reading the article, I was left with more questions than answers.  I’m guessing because of the boy’s age, they have decided to not disclose a lot of the details from the case.  But just taking the case at face value, I am deeply disappointed.  Why on earth would someone sue their own mother over something as silly as a facebook page?  I thought facebook was supposed to connect people together, not bring lawsuits into families.  Looking at this situation from what little I know about it, I am wondering who really is at fault.  Maybe the boy had something on his page that his mother felt was inappropriate.  (Let’s be honest, how many of our parents would be happy with the stuff we put on our page?)  Maybe the mother is way too controlling and wants to not only monitor her son’s facebook page, but personally alter it herself to make sure she approves of everything that is on it.  Either way, someone has crossed the line and what started out as a social activity has turned into a big family mess.  This is another great example of how facebook can lead to way too much trouble than I am looking to get into.

Here is the link to the article if anyone is interested:

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