Tuesday, April 13, 2010

It's Only A Game

So i'm guessing most of the class have either killed a man, won the Superbowl, beat up a prostitute or driven at 130mph through the streets of Los Angeles right? Ok maybe not in real life but i bet most of you have done this via the means of video games.

So to most they are just a bit of fun, maybe an escape from their boring everyday life. I mean everyone would rather be winning the Super bowl than working 9 til 5... even if it is fake. So playing sports is fine, it's perfectly reasonable to want to be a huge sports star and lets face it it's college now and unless your of a Nate Davis level, you're probably not gonna make it (sorry to break dreams guys) but then we reach other games like the hugely popular Call of Duty, does that mean we are all dreaming of being soldiers when we are older the 9 year olds playing at they hoping to join the army, because to be honest not much is stopping them. They may not be able to be the next Drew Brees but they could easily be the next dead body on the front line. So suddenly we have to ask what sort of culture these games are promoting?

I then read the other day there is a game coming from Japan which is about rape, i was literally sickened by it, so much so i don't want to post the link. So where to we draw the line? I don't know, but i'm of to kill a prostitute. Peace Out.

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