Tuesday, April 13, 2010

The BSU Ass Slapper

I remember how we started discussing this topic in class, and i honestly think it brings up very good discussion. I really think the reason that it has gotten so much hype isn't because of the email, but the way it was labeled. When people think of sexual assault they think of things a lot worse then ass slapping. To be honest ass slapping never even entered my mind under sexual assault. I think that many students are very concerned about assault on campus, and that when these two women reported it-and it ended up being a slap on the ass-they thought it was odd how they were making such a big deal out of something that could have been much much worse. Plus you do have to admit when the email said "buttocks"...it was a little funny. The facebook group that was made however...is a slightly different story. I can see where both sides are coming from with this. While the email itself was slightly funny, making the group to mock what had happened is a little over the top.  I mean the poor girls who reported it are basically being mocked, and that is not right. They felt violated and had every right to report what happened to them. Yes it is true, maybe others would have reacted differently, but it didnt happen to them. And while it is very fortunate that nothing worse then a slap on the ass happened to them, who is to say after all of this hype/praise the ass slapper has got wont encourage him to do more then a simple "pat" next time? Nobody likes to look at it that way though, and i suppose in a way that the "debby downer" way of looking at it. In the groups defense..there has been talk about starting a donation for the abuse of women. Which if you think about it, would be a pretty neat idea. Members have stated time and again that they did not make the group because they support what happened to the girls, or that they support assault. They just found the situation humorous. To be honest, i think the more attention the group gets (via news stations, media, the Pres. of bsu emailing us about it, etc) the more it encourages members to join and keep the group going. I honestly think pretty soon this is going to blow over, but it peoples opinions are still going to remain unchanged. 

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