Wednesday, April 14, 2010

tiga tiga woods ya'll

So I read someone else's post that was focused on Tiger Woods and his recent "scandal.” While I also do not condone cheating on your spouse, I agree with Kyle in the sense that it should be between him and his family. His relationship with his wife and/or mistresses has nothing to do with his golf game. Yes, I get that he is a role model and young people (and adults) look up to him and want to be like him, but hopefully these people understand that to be a professional golf player, or any other public profession, does not require you to be unfaithful.

I find it sad that there are so many things going on in the world that are much more newsworthy, but something like this happens and gets the majority of coverage on a majority of news outlets. I remember being around the age of thirteen when the Clinton-Lewinsky scandal broke. Although I didn’t really understand the details of the allegations (I was 13 and quite naïve) I remember thinking then that, yes, it did make him seem untrustworthy which is not a good quality to have as the leader of the free world, but his sexual habits didn’t pertain to his abilities as the President.

Basically, I think the media knows the general public will be interested (nosey) about celebrities’ personal lives, regardless of whether or not it has a direct affect on their careers. Who someone decides to be romantic with really should not be making headline news, and I think based on his performance at the Master’s, Tiger should be focusing on his swing, not getting his name out of the papers.

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