Thursday, April 15, 2010

Tiger the Great

Ever since Tiger Woods had his little run in with his wife and the law, people have been on his case harder than OJ Simpson. I understand that he is not only a role model on the golf course but also off, but at what point to we say, "This is his life and he needs to figure things out for himself in the privacy of his own home."? I don't understand why people are freaking out, it's not like he's the first major athlete to cheat on his wife and get caught. There have been many famous basketball players do the same thing...Michael Jordan, ever heard of him? Greatest basketball player of all time cheated on his wife and it was made big for a few days but not like this. I think people need to keep their nose out of places where it doesn't belong and let Tiger handle his own personal matters. All we should care about is how he performs on the golf course, not off. (No sexual reference meant by that...okay maybe a little bit was meant). The point is we as a society love gossip and scandals. We are driven by it and we always have to be digging a little deeper to find it. STOP DIGGING.

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