Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Window Seat : Death of GroupThink

my latest facebook status got me a lot of questions from my friends that i couldn't readily answer. here is my best attempt :
ok. after i watched badu's video for window seat, i was like damn...i feel the need to be liberated also from all of the constructs and ideologies that i've let shape who i am, the relationships i have with people, how i see myself, how i see God, etc. I am naked. (as in im no longer hiding behind anything or covering anything) i am transparent (meaning i feel as if i am an open book. ask and you shall know) i am protected in all of that (even though i am in an extremely vulnerable position by being both naked and transparent i have peace and joy and i know that God has my back) i am an individual (meaning that my thoughts and beliefs are mine and i dont feel the need to conform. and lastly...collectivization, because all of those things work with eachother and exist because of the others. without one, i am missing something. collectivization is also there because i feel that i am this way not only to help liberate myslef but to liberate my environment (everyone around me) we should all have a collected mindset as far as liberation goes.
i think i may be pulling a badu soon...

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