Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Marketing vs. Parents


This clip just shows an example of marketing in the media and if it is safe for children. It discusses the effects of pop on children and if marketers should be allowed to market to the younger generations.

The other day in class we talked about marketing attempts to make children more effectively ‘nag’ their parents. In my personal opinion it seems that these marketing firms are to blame on a small scale-however, the ultimate culprit is the parent that allows their young children to control their bank accounts.

When I was little I nagged-every kid did. However, I learned at a young age to pick my battles. My parents bought my sister and I things but not when we nagged. Our parents could sit and listen to us nag for hours and it would not change their mind at all.

The parents play a crucial role in this scenario. They are the educators, the inspiration and the role model for children. If they are giving in to whining and nagging what kind of message are they sending to their kids? That every time they throw a fit they get what they want. It seems that some people, even as college students, still operate under this assumption.

The ads, the commercials, the toys, tricks and strategies of marketing firms get the children’s attention. They go home to mom or dad and ask for whatever their heart desires based on an ad created on the 65th floor of an agency. Marketers have the power to influence children and what they desire but the parents have the obligation to raise their children responsibility.

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