Thursday, January 28, 2010

Todays Class

Personally I found today's class very enlightening. I fully agree with Katie. On Tuesday I didn't really understand everything on the theory, but for the Dramatic Theory I feel like it really came together and made sense. Maybe it had something to do with the way that the notes were set up, I'm not really sure. I felt like everything put out in front of me in simple terms with the definitions really helped. Honestly, I didn't read the chapter before class and just glanced at it when I found out about the quiz. I'm sure I did great ha. Point being that after we discussed everything, and with everyone's comments it all seemed to click. I also agree with everyone else saying that the Narrative perspective makes more sense when discussing every day life but I just didn't grasp the concepts the other day and while discussing the Dramatic Theory it makes a little more sense now.

On to another topic: The Jersey Shore
I think that everyone is looking too much into what these crazy over the top "Jersey Shore" people say and do. I have never been there but its crazy to think that people actually act like that. Their use of certain words that everyone might not like to hear is their way of getting more attention. They knew when they started all of this, I'm sure, that it would draw more attention and drama their way. I feel like words come and go from either being popular or being not accepted in society. I feel like to some people different words have different meanings and we all know what we should and shouldn't say. Some people just don't care about what society thinks as much as others do.

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