Monday, January 25, 2010


Barack Obama, became the first sitting president to ever appear on late-nite television. His campaign was impacted greatly by the amount of pop culture coverage it received. (Oprah,MTV,BET,) He's even been called the biggest brand name of today.

(Julianna Goldman for

Why should people study pop culture? (just one reason)

Because we the PEOPLE elected a president based largely on his 'cool' appeal. (albeit rather ignorantly) I am an Obama supporter but those who try to deny the direct impact of his popularity on their decision to vote (whether it be for him or not) are living in a damn fantasy land. In order to be a responsible consumer of pop culture one needs to understand the impact that it has on a macro level but also the impact (if any-for the skeptics) it has on you personally.

I have , over time, become more increasingly aware of the ‘noises’ all around me. Anytime I have that catchy ‘lady gaga’tune in my head or have the overwhelming urge to run out and purchase whatever the hell it is that beyonce’ is selling this week, I have to sit back and examine where all of this is coming from. If I am doing things because I genuinely fell the desire to is fine, but if my everyday dealings are influenced by the crap I hear on the television or read on the internet , then for me, that is a huge problem. I try to limit my intake… Its difficult at times but being constantly aware give me a sense of control. I know that I cannot control the behaviors of others but if I do my part to make sure that what I am doing is on point then, I have already won have the battle.

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