Monday, February 22, 2010

This is what a Feminist looks like...

I have to say I find it so depressing that people, mostly women, are associating feminism as a bad term. It seems as though people are turned off by the title, or that they are ashamed of it. The word is powerful. It has great meaning and a wonderful history behind it, not just for women but for men as well. Feminists are not crazy psycho unhappy bitches who want to change everyone and everything. I think people find it hard to see both sides of the term, they think of the stereotype feminists have been placed under and forget the fact that it isn't true. Since when is it wrong for someone to stand up for a change they want to see in this world?So many people confuse passion with insanity. If they took time to look past the ends of their noses they would see that feminists are not hypocritical, man-hating, demons, they are people who promote equity of experience for women through action. There are no "rules" for being a feminist, you can be whomever you choose to be and still be a feminist, no matter your religion, personal beliefs, or gender. Feminism is something that no one should be ashamed of, they have helped shape what our world is today and how we are viewed. There is nothing negative about associating yourself with the title, in fact it is honorable. I loved having the opportunity to learn more about it in class and to see the responses from other people. 

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