Sunday, February 21, 2010

Pop Culture and Capitalism

Pop culture and capitalism have a direct link with each other. Both work hand in hand together to strive in the mainstream American society that we live in today. Capitalism is the free economic competition to thrive in society. It rewards those who work the hardest and do the best. In a similar sense, pop culture in general is like this as well. Executives and marketing experts choose the most popular shows, movies, songs, and ads to get aired the most for the consumers who demand to see/hear them the most.

In a free, democratic, and capitalist society, there is free open competition amongst networks, recording groups, and motion picture companies. Each compete freely and offer the highest money to the best actors, the best directors, the best artists, and the best writers in order to make the most money. In return, the consumers will spend their hard earned money to see the best movies and buy their favorite music of their choice. Likewise, they will also spend their free time, and even for some diehard fans, will even go lengths to MAKE time in order to make sure they get to see their favorite TV shows.

As you can see, both popular culture and capitalism work together in this sense. It is because of our capitalist and democratic society that allows for popular culture to be mass produced, massively advertised, and massively purchased throughout our country. At the same time, it is pop culture that helps make capitalism as great as it is. Capitalism allows for a very diverse and successful pop culture environment, while the consumers' desire for this pop culture environment allows for capitalism to exist.

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